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Pledge of Solidarity

Take the Pledge: Madison Jewish Pledge of Solidarity and Sanctuary

We, who identify as Jews or are members of Jewish households in Madison, Wisconsin and the surrounding areas, sign this Pledge of Solidarity and Sanctuary to express our commitment and intent to stand with our Muslim and Latino neighbors. Our nation has reached an unprecedented juncture. The newly elected administration has threatened to create a registry to track Muslims entering the United States and has also threatened to deport millions of undocumented immigrants. We watch in horror as white supremacists gain increasing power in our society and are appointed to high posts in the new government.

At this critical moment we refuse to remain silent.

We grew up learning about the Nazi persecution of Jews. Some of us, or our parents and grandparents, experienced that persecution directly. We learned the imperative of speaking up for the most vulnerable among us.

Silence in the face of threat allows political leaders to turn threat into action. When they threaten to build walls across our border, round people up in camps for deportation, and create registries based on where people are from or what they believe, we will not remain silent. Even as we fear growing antisemitism, we refuse to turn inwards.

We pledge to confront Islamophobic, anti-immigrant, and racist bigotry.

We pledge to advocate against unwarranted deportations and to provide material and/or legal support to families who are threatened with deportation.

We pledge to participate in solidarity actions that could include offering sanctuary, supporting organizing efforts, providing financial support, and adding our names to a Muslim registry.

We pledge to participate in direct action, including nonviolent disobedience, or to support others who choose to do this.

We pledge to deepen and broaden our relationships across lines of difference, becoming aware of our own biases and learning to be effective allies.

As our tradition teaches, “If I am not for myself, who will be for me? If I am only for myself, what am I? And if not now, when?”

Sign the pledge here or visit us on Facebook at Madison Jewish Pledge.

-- An initiative of Congregation Shaarei Shamayim

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784