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Stay Connected

We would like to keep in touch with you!  Please contact Sean at and let him know which lists and groups you would like to join.

Shamayim Happenings: This weekly email gives a schedule of upcoming events and announcements. We also send death announcements to this list.  

Kibitz Discussion Group: This unmoderated group is an opportunity to share announcements, ask questions, have political discussions, or advertise non-CSS events. (Kibitz is Yiddish for chit-chat.)

Newsletter: Our bi-monthly newsletter includes articles by Rabbi Laurie, Shaarei Shamayim leadership, and members of the congregation. It comes in longer, print format twice a year, and in an electronic format at other times.

Facebook Pages: We have a congregational page — Congregation Shaarei Shamayim — as well as a Facebook group (for members only). Make sure to “like” us!

Website: Our website has our current schedule, featured programs, member resources, and information for prospective members. Check out our calendar of events.

Social Action: Our social action committee sends out bi-weekly emails to keep members and friends informed about specific details related to our social action work: Protecting vulnerable communities, Voces de la Frontera, Friends of the State Street Family, and Resettling Refugees. It also includes additional social action programs and events in the community.

Havurot Lists: Other havurot have their own lists: Torah Study, Young Family, Men, Women, Aging, Intermediate Hebrew. These keep members and friends up-to-date on particular details of group meetings.

Jewish Community Death Notifications: The Jewish Federation of Madison announces deaths from other congregations and the larger community on this list.

Wed, February 12 2025 14 Shevat 5785